Showing posts with label b2b online travel portal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label b2b online travel portal. Show all posts

Tuesday 7 August 2018

How Travel technology plays an important role in growth of tourism?

In recent years’ technology has played a very important role in revolutionizing the travel industry. Significant economic growth has been achieved for countries by improving the travel experience of tourists in their countries. Improvement in travel technology has also led to an exponential increase in travelers who now feel comfortable traveling to global locations. Innovation in air travel technology has helped airlines to run at low costs thereby improving the travel experience of commuters. The evolution of information technology has further enhanced the travel experience by bringing all necessities in smart devices. Even Online booking systems, travel apps etc. are easily accessible without any hassle. Travel technology has really changed the way people commute nowadays.   

Everything is available online on the internet nowadays. Travel technology innovations have helped the tourism industry in the following ways:
1.       Online Booking systems: The invention of the internet acted as a catalyst in growing multiple industries including the tourism industry. Web applications led to the development of travel booking systems that people can open at the convenience of their home and plan their travel without any hassle. These portals are user-friendly, cost-effective, and safe to be used. They allow commuters to book flights, hotels, cabs, travel packages etc. with the click of just one button. It is very simple to manage one’s entire travel plan on these portals as everything is available in one place.
2.       Real-time booking: The information technology has enabled connections across the globe. Features like NDC etc. help in getting real-time information about the current status of services provided on many online booking systems. This helps in hassle-free booking without any fear of booking cancellation. Having real-time information on services like flight tickets, hotel availability, airport services, cab booking, air ancillaries etc. help the traveler in the smooth planning of their travel.
3.       Smart device applications: Smartphones are capable of doing almost everything nowadays. Having travel applications on your smart device is very helpful and helps you in booking or tracking your travel details. Services like e tickets, taxi booking, hotel availability, route maps, restaurant lists etc. are available on these apps and can be used by a traveler in a foreign location easily. This enhances the travel experience as dependencies are reduced to the bare minimum.
4.       Safe and secure systems: All the transactions on the travel booking systems are safe and secure. These are end-to-end automated and hence keep the traveler’s information safe. Moreover, you can also track your friends and family on their travel trip and reach out to them in case of an emergency. This is a great feature that is very much needed in the current risky world that we live in.
The innovation in the travel technology has changed the way people are now traveling across the world. Online travel booking systems, travel mobile applications, real-time travel management etc. are some of the features that have taken the travel experience to another level. All this technological advancement has led to a boom in the tourism industry.

Tuesday 5 June 2018

How do I tie up with big travel portal development.?

A travel portal is developed with the main aim of providing online booking facilities to the end-users, visiting the website. The most important features included in travel portal are air ticket booking, hotel booking, bus booking, car booking etc. Previously air ticket booking was considered to be the most prime element of travel portal development but with the passage of time airlines becoming stingier, hotel booking is predicted to be the future of travel portal development. With the travelers getting accustomed to booking hotel rooms online, travel portals are gaining good amount of profit from hotel booking as well.
In order to tie-up with the big travel portal development company, first, we need to decide which is the best one among the bunch of companies and in order to access that, we need to look for the following parameters like projects they have worked on, clients they are currently serving or they have already served, whether they serve domestic clients only or are serving clients from across the world or their client reviews as well as go through their published websites.
Here are the important aspects to look into to choose the best travel portal development companies in India:
· Collect quote from a number of travel portal development companies in India.
· Measure their quality of work.
· Get client feedback.
· Make sure it ticks all the parameters of a travel site.
· The safety part of a travel site.
The best travel portal development company in India always come up with the best travel software solution. QuadLabs Travel Technology solutions are one of the most respected and experienced company in the industry who offer a wide variety of travel solutions to the business travel, onlne retail sales and B2B reseller. They are multiple award winning and well known in the travel industry for delivering unique and quality online booking systems as per the requirements of the clients and according to the latest travel trends in the market

Wednesday 10 January 2018

Automate travel operations, processes, sales and reconciliation with XChange

Automation process can be very helpful for any business industry as it enables them to perform the same functions without physically doing. In travel industry, automating travel processes such as travel bookings, customer management, supplier management, administration and enquiry management by Mid Office plays a key role in acquiring competitiveness and increase market share. There are several Mid Office and Travel CRM Software’s available in market for travel industry, however, XChange Mid Office system developed by QuadLabs is by far the most effective and trustworthy.

Features of XChange and what functions can be automated using the system

XChange is quite user friendly and help the travel agency to automate various necessary functions. It helps in automating consolidated information gathered from different sales channels and suppliers. Furthermore, the system is an effective travel CRM system, which assists in customer relationship management which is one of the most important aspect for any travel operator. XChange automate processes such as sending latest news and offers to the customers and provide essential support. The Travel desk or front desk features of Mid Office system gives the travel agency to book tickets coming directly though phone or through walk-in customer also it helps to resolve any queries or issues of the travelers during or after their trip, where all the answers are predefined.

Not only Mid Office system, the system also aids the agency to manage travel bookings and suppliers as well by automating their functions. It will automatically show the upcoming bookings, showcase the payments, list of guests and their demands, along with generating invoices and reports. When it comes to sales and reconciliation, XChange enable the agency to manage their sales and purchase rules in an effective manner, thus ensuring that the records and figures are in agreement are correct.
Other benefits that travel agencies can enjoy by automating their travel operations using XChange is that they speed up their payment processes to the suppliers which can be automated, thus, eliminating any kind of delay in payment. It ensures better relations with the suppliers which ultimately leads to better services to the customers. Moreover, the development of spreadsheet and reports become easier as it doesn’t require a manual updating on the sheets and creating reports which would be time consuming.

XChange Mid Office can be considered an extremely reliable and useful for automating all the travel process, which permits the organization to save not only time but an adequate amount of money as well and at the same time, increasing the quality of services offered to the traveler.

QuadLabs, who is one of the leading travel technology provider in the world, has developed this travel automation which acts as a travel CRM software along with an assistance provider for travel agency that would help them managing various processes, customers and suppliers to increase their revenue and sales. 

Thursday 21 December 2017

Innovations transforming the travel industry

Technology is changing everyday with new innovations coming out making the life of a common man a lot easier. In travel industry, various innovative and unique travel technology seems to enter the market, which enables the travel agencies to provide satisfactory travel experience to the customers. Travel technology provider all over the world are looking to introduce relevant and industry focused technology that would change the travel industry for good. It is a universal fact that travelers are now preferring online booking and other technological aspects over the conventional way, which has brought a massive transformation in the industry. Today, we will talk about some of the best innovations in the travel technology which the industry is witnessing.

1.       Mobile Booking: Travel Technology Company in Europe and other parts of the world are developing exceptional mobile applications for travel agencies, allowing them to help the customer make last minute booking using their mobile devices. Today everyone is using a smartphone that comprises flights, hotel booking applications along with car services. Finding Uber, looking for restaurants and local tour guides assist the traveler to easily navigate through the new destination using their mobile handset.

2.       Augmented reality: This is another innovation which transforming the travel industry in a positive direction. The travelers can easily translate the local language on the go, witness the rooms virtually, watch the travel destinations without setting foot outside along with navigate through the area with ease. The Google Glass is a fine example of augmented reality in travel industry that helps the traveler virtually experience the tourist destinations while sitting.

3.       Artificial Intelligence: AI has certainly changed the way travelers search for tourist destinations or book hotels and flights. Travel technology Company in Asia and Middle East are now developing travel systems that provide dynami pricing details about travel products that records data such as room types, weather, pricing, etc. and tells the user about necessary information. It also allows the traveler to plan their entire trip which involves searching for best hotels and flight along with providing suggestions on tourist destinations and places to eat. Apples’ Siri and Amazon’s Alexa are some of the best examples of artificial intelligence used in travel.

4.       Real time information: The availability of travel products tends to change every second. With advanced travel systems developed by travel technology companies, the travelers can receive live flight delay information, predictions of trains and flight arrivals, rebooking services in case of cancellation, live rates, real time availability of hotel rooms, etc.

Other trendy innovations in travel industry include geo location, sensors such as compass, accelerometer, indoor positioning and much more that allows the traveler to get the best possible touring experience. There are many travel technology companies in the world, however, QuadLabs is considered one of the finest and award winning travel Technology Company who is best known to provide the most innovative and competitive travel solutions for agencies and help them achieve better return on investment by targeting more and more customers from all over the world.

Friday 15 December 2017

How B2B internet booking systems helping travel agencies to increase their revenue?

For travel agencies throughout the world, B2B booking system has provided incredible growth opportunities, allowing them to reach a wider audience. A B2B travel portal helps travel agencies to generate better leads and higher sales, which is necessary for survival in the market and earn good profit. It also enables travel agents and partners to book travel products and simplify documentation process and reservation. In today’s stiff competition, B2B Internet booking systems is considered one of the most crucial travel agent system to achieve success by enhancing sales and revenue.
This is the main reason many travel agencies are looking forward to hire the services of reliable travel technology solution provider such as QuadLabs to develop unique and industry relevant B2B travel portal. Following are provided some exceptional benefits B2B online booking engine offers to travel agencies for their growth:
1. Offers a wide range of information to the travel agent:- The biggest advantage of having B2B travel portal is that the travel agency will be able to clearly witness and reach relevant information, allowing a transparent transaction of travel products. They can easily manage all the bookings and reservations and also allows sub agents and partners to provide regular access to updated information and rates.
2. Variety of services:- B2B system also provides a wide range of services to the agents which include travel product like Flight, hotel Car Rental etc., service information, location, suppliers for the services along with the quantity of units available. It allows the company to make new reservations and keep track of sales effectively.
3. Sales promotion:- In order to attract the interest of potential customers, special sales offers can be utilized through B2B travel system. It would assist the travel partners to generate more demand and increment the sales by a greater margin.
4. Better communication:- Communication is the key elements for deriving sales for travel agency as it encourage better customer support and appropriate service in a timely manner. The travel agency system maintains a proper communication line between travel partners, suppliers and customers and gives automatic confirmation of any booking. It can also enable the agency to target new customers, develop marketing campaign and increase revenue.
5. Easy documentation process:- With increasing demand of hotel, flights and travel package reservation, it requires from the agency to make all the documents related to travel booking available for partners, suppliers and customers. This include invoices, booking confirmations, travel product information, etc., which can easily be done through B2B online booking engine.
B2B travel portal helps travel agencies all over the world to gain proper control over their business process, so that they can deliver the best possible travel services to their sub agents. If you are also looking to install a trustworthy B2B booking system for your travel agency, then QuadLabs can help you design revenue oriented and reliable system, allowing you to enhance your business process by a great margin. QuadLabs is a leading travel technology company who are best known to deliver industry focused and competitive travel solutions to tour operators and travel agencies to enhance their business productivity.

Sunday 8 October 2017

Online booking portal driving growth for travel agencies

Travelling is one of the most amazing things life has to offer. It entails a lot of fun and excitement that start at the moment it is planned. Adventures along the way make it even better in all aspects. And the variety of travel experiences completes the rainbow. This the main reason why travelling is a multi-billion-dollar market.

As economics dictate, where there is great demand there is great competition. And as well known, competition leads to innovation and a lot of improvements. This is because each entity wants to have an edge in the market. In order to have a significant share in it, there must be a good reason for the entity to be chosen by the consumers. 

Travel agencies did not let themselves be left out in the aforementioned concept. The real challenge for this kind of industry is that the product being offered is hardly unique. The products, as perceived by the consumers, are the destinations. This isn’t supposed to be the case with the perception of the agencies. They must believe that their product is the service

Differentiation among the industry is basically on pricing. However, a more important aspect that should be considered is convenience. Booking a flight was such a hassle not a very long time ago. To answer with it, online booking portal was born. An online booking portal allows a customer to tweak travel details at the comforts of his own home or anywhere basically. Management of travel requirements such as city of departure, destination, fees, and other matters made available at fingertips. It may be argued that this can be done through phone calls but no. A portal in the internet that may be viewed on any gadget is way better than waiting your turn to be talked with on the phone. Also, visuals made it better for customers to decide on their own pace.

As convenience increased the demand for travel, travel agencies met its highest point in the market. The graph is going higher and higher. The industry’s growth is inevitable. This is because of the online travel agent system that brings a lot of benefits not just to the customers but also to the agency itself.

The online travel agency solution enables the entity to operate 24 hours a day and 7 days a week for the whole year. For instance, a customer finally decided to travel. However, he did it at midnight. In traditional booking system, he has to wait for the office hours. What if he changes his mind? With an online booking portal, customers may tweak his travels anytime anywhere.

These aforementioned advantages and upsides of online travel agency enables the industry to infinitely grow. Customers find it easier and more convenient to book a travel using the internet anytime anywhere. And at the same time, travel agencies’ work became less burdensome. It is a win-win situation produced by one system. Without a doubt, online booking portal drives growth for travel agencies

Wednesday 5 July 2017

Power of Online Booking Engine on Travel Industries

Travel and Tourism is one of the largest industry that contribute to the global economy. Worldwide this industry has been growing steadily every year. Technology has taken an immense place in people’s life. The way things are done is changing, so is the Traveler’s buying behaviors and expectations. Travelers want everything on their fingers tip so that they can book fast, easily and in cost effective manner.

Before digital times, the role of the travel agent was to advise clients on travel destinations and to act as an intermediary in the difficult process of organizing travel bookings. Even as late as the early 1990’s, consumers booked Flight, Hotel, Car etc. through travel agents as many companies did not offer direct bookings. But with the automation brought by the changing travel technology has made the traveler looking for mobility, flexibility and easy real-time access to information. For this an Online Booking Engine reduces stress off travelers to plan their travel end-to-end.

Online Booking Engines for respective products are becoming the fastest growing sales interface for travel intermediaries. They help travelers to book Flight, Hotel, Car Rentals, Travel Insurance, Sightseeing, Transfers, Holiday packages, Bus and Cruise. The concept of having an Online Booking Engine has helped travel industry to evolve. The next level of Online Booking Engine is the Meta Search Engine. It is an interface to compare a product from various sources based on the product’s price and availability mainly.

With an online booking engine, a traveler can not only search and book but also make payment instantly. Booking engines like Flight Booking Engine, Hotel Booking Engine help travellers to book as per the product of their choice. Online Booking Engines are helping travellers to customize & personalize their experience based on their and other’s preference like they can review what was others experience through this medium.

An Online Booking Engine, not only provides real time inventory but also enhance the user experience by providing them convenience of search and book, more options, better pricing and making payments. It also reduce dependency, customer now can book Flight from Flight Booking Engine, Hotel from Hotel Booking Engine etc. travelers now have multiple options to book. Online Booking Engine helps travel industry to minimize their efforts and errors.

QuadLabs Technologies Limited
720, 7th Floor,JMD Megapolis, Tower B,
Sohna Road, Sector 48,
Gurgaon 122018, Haryana, India
Phone: +91 124 663 6999
Web:  Email:  

Thursday 29 June 2017

How online booking engine for hotels/flights helping customers?

Having a dependable and consistent online booking engine is a top priority for any travel agency as it allows the customer to book flights, hotels, buses and holiday packages in an instant and on the go. This increases the user experience and lets the travel company maintain a better customer company relationship, which is vital for increasing business revenue. And with the latest offerings of travel technology 2017, online booking engines have just become more advanced and intuitive that permits the customers enjoy many innovative features.
1. Easy self-booking system: With highly developed hotel booking system, reserving a room has never been so easy. Unlike earlier times where you are required to fill registration details and forms, now customers only need to fill their personal details and select from a wide range of varieties of hotels as per their budget and preferences. The payment can be done in an instant using credit/debit card or net banking or at hotel (Pay at Hotel option) and guests don’t even need to fill the same details again as the system stores their information for further booking.
2. Real time information: Hotels and flight booking softwares designed these days by travel technology companies keep the customer get real time information about hotels and flight availabilities and rates that help guests to reserve and manage their bookings without any hassle.
3. Instant reservation confirmation: Online booking engine hotels, flights, buses, cruise, etc. is designed is such a manner that it gives guests instant confirmation of their bookings anytime of the day. There is no need to stare at your cell phone regularly for the confirmation and you don’t even need to call the hoteliers or transport company to confirm your booking.
4. Discounts and coupons: A brilliant way to keep the customers satisfied and engaged, travel companies are making use of extensive offers and discounts for their users that provides a huge discount on their flight, hotel, holiday packages and bus bookings. Discounts are loved by everyone and when you receive a heavy discount on reputed and luxury hotels and flights, enjoyment gets bigger and better. Furthermore, these days, guests also receive loyalty cash and free hotel night for booking one or several services from the travel agency’s booking system, which can be used for their next booking.
Easy cancellation of bookings: A very important and necessary option travel agencies offer these days that provide huge convenience to the users. An inevitable situation or change in mood can make the customer cancel their bookings just before the night. This can cost them a complete one night hotel price or flight fare, but with today’s online booking portal, cancellations can be done prior to the hours of the bookings without any charges.

About  us :-
QuadLabs is a leading travel technology provider, giving tour operators and travel agencies methods to adapt to these travel trends and increase their business’s potential to get higher return on investment.
QuadLabs Technologies Limited
720, 7th Floor,JMD Megapolis, Tower B,
Sohna Road, Sector 48,
Gurgaon 122018, Haryana, India
Phone:+91 124 663 6999
Web:  Email:  

Sunday 11 June 2017

How does Technology Impact Travel Industry?

One cannot deny the pivotal role Technology plays within the Travel sector.
Our day-to-day lives are made easier through the use of the internet and technology – whether it be on our mobile devices, at home or in the work place using a desktop or laptop. Constant and continuous developments in technology have now made this achievable on a global scale.

It’s seen by many that technology and social media – has created a global village, connecting everybody to everyone, everywhere. Some might argue that using technology has made us less sociable, inhibiting face to face and physical interaction. However, the concept that globalisation and technology allows us to overcome the limitations of physical distance through our finger tips, presents countless opportunities for the travel and tourism industry to flourish.

People travel to distances far and beyond and will continue to travel around the world to experience new things in life and advances in technology are there to influence and inspire this: not prohibit.

Whilst an individual’s travel experience doesn't necessarily start physically until they arrive at the airport departures or even the destination itself, technology has helped to allow this experience to begin from the moment a person has the aspiration to go somewhere, if not creating that aspiration itself. Experience is the key word – and it’s equally as important for companies to provide a positive experience for customers from the moment they decide to exercise these ideas; from idea and plan to the experience itself as well as post-travel sharing and feedback.

In today’s world, travel agendas rarely rely on trusted word-of-mouth recommendations and physical guidebooks; breakthroughs in digitalisation have given customers independence and choice in a really big way. The main purpose of travel is essentially about connecting – places, people, experiences and memories. One thing that technology does well, is connect things.

Websites, booking platforms, apps and using social media all provide the opportunity to engage and connect with customers on a variety of levels to allow an enhanced travel experience. Now that this information for customers is easily accessible (through various mediums), it inevitably means that it’s important for companies to get smarter and adapt to remain competitive.

In summary, developments in technology have led to big changes in the way that customers use it to enhance their full travel experience. Travel companies must constantly evolve to continue providing their end users development with the best customer experience possible.

What can travel and tourism companies do to keep up?

The answer to that is pretty simple – they must make sure they are utilising the latest technologies available to give customers what they need. A starting point would be to ask the following questions:
  • Is my website easy to navigate?
  • Can my website be used on a mobile device?
  • Does my website use stunning images to inspire travellers?
  • Once a customer has booked their trip – how do they stay in contact with us and access their information?
  • How can they share their experiences with friends/family?
What next?

With many years’ experience in the Travel Technology sector, we at QuadLabs have seen things change and develop first-hand at an incredible speed. Empowering Travel Agents by providing access to affordable Travel Technology and ensuing revenue generation is the motto of QuadLabs. In case you need any help keeping up with the latest technologies, engaging customers and improving the customer experience for your travellers as a whole, please get in touch with us.

QuadLabs is a leading travel technology provider, giving tour operators and travel agencies methods to adapt to these travel trends and increase their business’s potential to get higher return on investment.

QuadLabs Technologies Limited
720, 7th Floor,JMD Megapolis, Tower B,                   
Sohna Road, Sector 48,
Gurgaon 122018, Haryana, India
Phone: +91 124 663 6999
Web:  Email:   

Thursday 8 June 2017

The challenges and opportunities in online travel booking system

The online travel industry is booming and people are relying more and more on the internet to book their flights and hotels However, unlike any other industry, the travel industry has its own set of challenges too. Have a look at those challenges below and what travel agencies and travel software development companies like QuadLabs are doing to overcome them.
The challenges and opportunities in online travel Industry.
Less connectivity
Visitors in Asia (and even in some other parts of the world) have been facing the problem of slow internet connectivity since a long time. Although many people have 4G connections today, there is still a considerable amount of people who use 3G or slower networks. Low or slow connectivity results in people taking the traditional route to booking tickets — the phone call route. There are many who still prefer calling the airline or hotel to book tickets as that seems more ‘convenient’ to them. Business owners now require simpler designs for their websites and mobile applications on all platforms namely Android, Ios, BlackBerry and Windows. Simple designs allow their websites and apps to load faster without compromising on the design or the user experience. Also, network operators are trying to bring 4G technologies to Asian markets on a large scale. It won’t be long until the problem of slow internet connectivity gets solved and more and more people plan and book their travels and hotel stays online.
Negative search experience
Travellers suffer from negative search experience on OTA’s websites or apps. They used to find it difficult to get the type of hotel they wanted. Thanks to technological advancements provided by companies like QuadLabs and the efforts taken by business owners, visitors are now getting a unique search experience. Increasing travel based websites allow visitors to search, compare and book hotels and other Travel products like flights, car rental, Travel insurance, Transfers etc. The overall user experience has changed for better and will continue to do so as travel businesses understand the importance of getting more customers online.
Synergy issues
Synergy between the travel agency and the hotel or airline used to cause many issues in the past. Sometimes travellers used to book rooms that were unavailable or already filled. It was difficult to update the empty rooms in hotels or seats on a plane. As a result, visitors used to view outdated information. This scenario has changed with the advancements in technology. GDS companies and hotels suppliers now provide live XML/API feeds to the travel agents and agencies. It is now possible to see more up-to-date information on travel sites and apps. Businesses are also moving to better software and technologies to make sure their services are always up and running.
Cancellation policies
Different travel agencies provide different cancellation policies. Some demand a cancellation fee on cancellation of tickets. These fees can be as high as a one night room stay fee + taxes. Few travel agencies don’t allow cancellation after the stipulated time. Fewer companies ask their customer to cancel individual tickets, for example, a travel agency might cancel only your hotel room bookings but not your flight tickets if it has given you both a flight + hotel stay package. Some companies might allow cancelling the entire package only! Thanks to the tough competition today, these policies have been less strict and focus more on user convenience. Because customers will usually shift to a competitor if a particular business doesn’t provide convenient services. Travel business owners are now innovating new and more convenient ways to cancel or refund bookings. Discount Coupons, Loyalty vouchers, Payback Points, Attractive refund plans are being introduced for every Travel product.
Inability to know more about hotels
Although all the information is available online on the internet, it is still easier to know what kind of service you will get in a hotel depending on how the person who answers your call speaks to you. You can judge this based on how quickly they answer your call, how they talk to you, their mannerisms, how they listen to your requirements and if they are ready to go an extra mile to provide more convenience to their customers. It is found that a hotel can offer negotiation up to 40% on the room rates. Discount is available once you talk to the salesperson personally. Most travel websites don’t offer the discounted rates as they have to manage commissions. Travel agencies might go the extra mile, there is still nothing that beats calling the hotel directly (except for saving some time). However, many agents are trying to search and innovative ways to make it more appealing to book hotels online.
QuadLabs travel technology system help these travel agents and tour operators to organize and keep track of their bookings, business processes and front and back office data in a systematic manner, thus providing utmost satisfaction to the traveler regardless of the type of the travel. They are highly specialized and reliable travel technology provider who plays a very important role in maintaining a healthy relationship between the travel company and the customer for years.

Monday 5 June 2017

Importance of GDS integrated system in travel business?

GDS or Global Distribution Systems are the core of all the reservation and distribution systems used by online travel agents and travel companies across the globe. It was initially aimed at improving the airline reservation system, but now GDS are widely used for booking hotels, airline flights, railway and bus tickets, cars, cruises and insurance. GDS integration for both flights and Hotels allow your travel business to access a wide range of online sales channels and travel products, improving your online sales strategy. The major GDS providers – Sabre, Amadeus, Galileo, Abacus, Travel-port offer you the following significant benefits:

•             Control on live inventory
•             Easy connectivity
•             Real time pricing
•             Automatic content update
•             Multiple channels for distribution and utilization

The QuadLabs GDS Travel Integration Solution

QuadLabs provides GDS integration within your new or existing online travel website. GDS integration connects travel agents and customers across the world, extensively broadening your market reach and increasing revenue.

B2B and B2C GDS Integration Modules

Using GDS Hotel XML or GDS Airline XML, travel companies can connect their websites to GDS systems to make bookings and check availability. QuadLabs’ Technology help integrate it on your website using API’s (e.g. GDS Airline API and GDS Hotel API) to make the airline booking system or hotel booking system operational for users. GDS Travel XML integration can be implemented in a multiple way – B2B and B2C.

•             B2B (Business to Business) helps travel agents to offer and sell the travel inventories through them only, all the bookings can be tracked and sales by individual agents and also the commissions. In this case, a wide range of service is offered like agents can check the booking status, view reports and invoices, cancel the booking and generate commissions.

•             With the help of B2C (Business to Customer) Module the travel agents can sell travel products directly to their customer’s using QuadLabs’ Technology. The customer’s use your website or mobile application to make bookings with immediate confirmation through SMS or email (via our GDS Travel API). GDS integration fulfils an automatic update of inventory information (pricing\availability). All the agents and B2C users get the same data immediately.

We offer integration of a single web application with multiple GDSs. We focus on the micro needs of our clients and deliver targeted GDS integration services and cater to the changing demands of online travel market.

Amadeus API

If you’re not willing to use an off-the-shelf solution and prefer to develop your own travel products, Amadeus API is designed for you. Using the Amadeus API cuts costs and saves your time. The Amadeus API/XML toolkit enables us to build customizable applications with stable and secure access to the GDS content range. The Amadeus solution allows an expanding group of Internet-savvy consumers to reserve their vacations online.
Key Benefits of Amadeus API
•             Easy integration and maintenance. The creation of stable and efficient applications is facilitated by a robust programming environment. Backwards compatibility with all future API Proxy versions is guaranteed by the client package.
•             Cost reduction. Amadeus integration shortens development timelines, saving your money.
•             Reliability. The significant feature of Amadeus XML API is great stability and flexibility of the interface.

Sabre API

The Sabre Global Distribution System unites travel agents around the world, offering airline, hotel, cruise and car rental bookings. Sabre integration has proven to improve travel agents’ productivity and efficiency.
QuadLabs offers you a connection to an innovative end-to-end solution and round the clock customer service through the Sabre XML API. Developers of travel related products and travel agencies get the freedom to integrate or innovate their own application with the Sabre XML API. The development and customization capabilities of the Sabre API are used by QuadLabs to meet the unique needs of your business.

Travelport API

Note: QuadLabs does not provide any kind of travel API ourselves. Instead, we provide a set of software tools that help you integrate any API into your system.

If you are trying to reach your potential customers through the most cost effective channels and provide easy and fast access to the broadest global content possible, Travelport integration might be another solution to consider. Travelport API connects you to the broad-based services of the Travelport Company.

Travelport is a global distribution system (GDS) business, operating in more than 170 countries. It embraces Worldspan, Apollo and Galileo brands. QuadLabs professionals will make sure that you have just the right portfolio of services and products to empower your travel business for success. QuadLabs Technology provides integration with Apollo, Galileo or Worldspan or universal Travelport API integration. Travelport GDS makes possible the creation and integration of the unique travel applications
All the resources and specialized products of Apollo API, Worldspan API and Galileo API will be at your fingertips, maximizing your reach and boosting your operational efficiency. The GDS integration grants you access to high speed providers, worldwide low cost carriers, and multi-source content via a single API. We will help you get through the clutter of multiple programming interfaces, saving your valuable time and money.

There are many travel technology providers available out there, but none are as competent and reliable as QuadLabs Travel technology due to its highly innovative features, business processes and ability to help other travel companies to sell their travel products in a very easy and flexible manner. They understand the requirements of the business way too well and offer the most suitable help possible to boost their profit. They are master in identifying the areas in a travel industry, which are lagging the company behind and knows very well to resolve them in a quick span of time and surely at a very reasonable price. Therefore, if you are also an aspiring travel agent company or a B2B reseller in the field, then it would be wise to engage services of QuadLabs.

Monday 1 May 2017

Maximize your Potentialities with on cloud travel erp software solution for your Business

Deciding to make the switch to a fully integrated ERP system as a wholesale distribution company — whether you’re transitioning from existing software or manual processes — requires a lot of time and resources. It also involves making a choice between implementing a system on-premises or hosted through the cloud. So which method is better suited for your business? Although there is no single right answer to this question, there are certain elements that could make a strong case in favour of a cloud solution. Companies are increasingly opting for this method from the get-go, and others are switching from their current on-premises installation. To better understand why and when it would make sense for your company to seriously evaluate hosting software through the cloud, let’s first take a look at exactly what we mean by each implementation method.

Historically the only option available to companies looking for wholesale ERP software was On-premises software was which made it more feasible for larger companies. On-premises refers to software applications installed on-location on a client owned server. This requires up-to-date hardware and either internal or outsourced personnel for IT management. It also requires a bit of a larger initial investment when it comes to cost as companies buy the software licenses outright.
Cloud software, which is sometimes referred to as hosted or SaaS, has gained in popularity over the past couple of years and provides a viable option for smaller companies. With cloud software, the information is physically stored off-premises at the vendors’ data centre and accessed via the cloud (or internet). Users may for example access the software through an RDP connection installed on their local machine which communicates with the servers off-site. With this method, license fees are broken down and paid for on a monthly basis and server/hardware management and IT maintenance are the responsibility of the vendor.
Several factors influence which solution would be best for a company, such as; company size, infrastructure, available staff, number of users and budget, but the cloud solution may offer various benefits over on-premises, such as:
  • Faster deployment times as the server and hardware infrastructure is already set up by the vendor
  • Cost is based on number of user licenses which means that there is no limit to the number of devices the software can be set up on (this includes mobile and tablet devices)
  • Ability to easily connect from home and other remote locations with an internet connection
  • Reduced need for IT personnel and server infrastructure
  • Customers receive regular updates to the software which is taken care of by the vendor
Given the above examples, there are also certain times in a wholesale company’s life cycle, which would make the transition to cloud software easier and more appropriate. It is often when a company starts experiencing specific issues that they begin the search for a new software solution and spend the time learning about cloud based implementations. So when do we start evaluating cloud systems?
  • When you expand offices and grow your team. As you expand business and add more office locations and hire people who require the ability to work remotely, it is a good time to consider switching to a cloud based solution. This allows remote access to the software from multiple locations around the world. When opening a new warehouse or office space, this means there is no need to purchase additional servers or set up a VPN connection. It also gives your employees more flexibility to work from home, sales people the option to connect while working with customers or at trade-shows, and provides management the option to connect while travelling. This enables faster decision making for management and better insight into real-time data for your sales team.
  • When your hardware is due to be replaced. Just like any piece of equipment, servers and hardware for hosting software need to be maintained on a regular basis and replaced every few years. Running software on old equipment can result in system crashes, slow run times and data loss. People often forget about the costs included with managing infrastructure when looking at total cost of ownership of an on-premises solution. When your equipment is due for an upgrade, consider switching to the cloud and leaving infrastructure management to the vendor. If you chose the right vendor, this will also ensure that the software is running on the most efficient equipment available.
  • As technology evolves and new features become available. As technology continues to advance it provides more and more opportunities to include additional features when it comes to software. Receiving upgrades and new features that take advantage of technology changes, will mean you always have the latest and greatest functionality available. Examples include mobile functionality, eCommerce integration and wireless handheld picking. Find a cloud vendor that is consistently developing their solution to make sure you receive regular upgrades.
Though some companies will still benefit from an on-premises based ERP solution, as discussed above, there are several reasons why making the switch to a cloud based solution might benefit your business. According to a Gartner survey, 47% of organizations plan to move their core ERP systems to the cloud within 5 years. Cloud options have made ERP viable for smaller companies with fewer resources, allowing them to take advantage of features and functionality once only available to much larger companies. Whatever your decision, make sure you spend the time to learn about your options and accurately compare them based on all factors and not just costs.
QuadLabs Technologies is premier travel technology company in India. It has an expert team to provide end to end travel technology solutions to its client worldwide including locations US, UK, Brazil, Middle East and many more. One can also contact us for advance software for travel agency,online booking engine, mid office systems, b2b & b2c travel portal systems and many more.